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About Geo SIPEF

Geo SIPEF is committed to providing a 100% traceable supply chain. Our platform enables you to track the origins of our products, ensuring sustainability and transparency throughout the production process.

Accessing the Portal

  1. Open the GeoSIPEF Portal by navigating to your browser and entering the provided URL (e.g.,
  2. The homepage will display an interactive map along with a region selector.

Mill Operations, Supplybase(Estates and Smallholders), View Certificates , Navigation and Traceability

Mill Operations: Select Mill at the left panel of the page to view mill details

Supplybase(Estates): Estates supplybase for the selected Mill will be displayed in a 'Estates' tab on left panel

Supplybase(Smallholders):Smallholders supplybase for the selected Mill will be displayed in a 'Smallholders' tab on left panel

Company Details & Certificate Details:Company and various certificates can be viewed and downloaded from bottom panel of the landing page by clicking an up arrow icon

Main Features

1. Region Selector

Located at the top-right of the interface, the region selector dropdown allows users to switch between regions such as Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Ivory Coast. Select the desired region to view mills and estates from that area. Upon selection, the map and mill details will update accordingly.

2. Mill Operations

After selecting a region, a list of mills is displayed on the left-hand panel. Each mill displays the following:

You can click on a mill's name to view more details about its operations and certifications.

3. Estates and Small Holders (Supplybase)

The panel includes tabs for viewing either Estates or Small Holders associated with a selected mill. For estates:

Clicking on an estate or small holder will highlight its spatial location on the map.

4. Interactive Map (Supply base on Map)

The map on the right-hand side shows the spatial locations of mills and estates. Red boundaries mark the estates managed by each mill, with additional spatial layers available for small holders. Users can zoom in/out or pan the map for better visibility using the controls on the map.

5. Company and Certification Details

Below the map, the Company & Certification Details section allows users to review information like:

Country GIS Layers

Monitoring Layers

Reference Layers

Contact Us

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team: